Half-way through my first week of full-time work - not to mention as a single mum - and I think I'm coping pretty well - thanks to my no housework philosophy.
It's true that my house is a mess but I'd rather my children were happy.
Granted they would rather I was here instead of enduring the lengthy commute from my new office to home but, as long as I'm spending adequate time with them when I get home, surely we'll get by?
Don't get me wrong, there isn't a minute goes by at work where I don't feel guilty and miss my kids like mad, but I keep telling myself it'll be good for all of us in the long run - which I hope it will.
I just wish he was here to share it with us and I still can't quite believe to the extent I've been cut out from his life as if I never existed.
Some of his last words to me will forever ring in my head: "I'm not walking out on my family, I'm walking out on you" and "I don't owe you anything".
It doesn't do much for my self esteem but I think the whole splitting up process has been made easier by the fact I'm not really missing much.
It's not as if he showered me with affection or shared intimate moments, took me out and talked to and understood me - quite the opposite in fact.
So maybe that's why I'm coping much better than I thought I would.
Maybe now I'm just missing the relationship that could've - and should've - been.